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The following post does not create a lawyer-client relationship between Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices (or any of its lawyers) and the reader. It is still best for you to engage the services of a lawyer or you may directly contact and consult Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices to address your specific legal concerns, if there is any.
Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.
An aggrieved party in cases of copyright, trademark, or patent infringement may avail of various legal remedies, either administrative, civil, or criminal actions against the infringer.
The Bureau of Legal Affairs has jurisdiction over the administrative cases. On the other hand Regional Trial Courts designated as special courts shall have jurisdiction over the civil and criminal cases.
In case an aggrieved party decides to file an administrative case against the infringer, he may file the same with the BLA of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines. According to Sec. 10 of Republic Act No. 8293, also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (IP Code), as amended, the BLA has the administrative jurisdiction to:
1. Hear and decide
- opposition to the application for registration of marks;
- cancellation of trademarks; subject to the provisions of Section 64,
- cancellation of patents, utility models, and industrial designs; and
- petitions for compulsory licensing of patents.
2. (a) Exercise original jurisdiction in administrative complaints for violations of laws involving intellectual property rights: Provided, That its jurisdiction is limited to complaints where the total damages claimed are not less than Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000): Provided further, That availment of the provisional remedies may be granted in accordance with the Rules of Court. The Director of Legal Affairs shall have the power to hold and punish for contempt all those who disregard orders or writs issued in the course of the proceedings.
(b) After formal investigation, the Director for Legal Affairs may impose one (1) or more of the following administrative penalties:
(i) The issuance of a cease and desist order which shall specify the acts that the respondent shall cease and desist from and shall require him to submit a compliance report within a reasonable time which shall be fixed in the order;
(ii) The acceptance of a voluntary assurance of compliance or discontinuance as may be imposed. Such voluntary assurance may include one or more of the following:
(1) An assurance to comply with the provisions of the intellectual property law violated;
(2) An assurance to refrain from engaging in unlawful and unfair acts and practices subject of the formal investigation;
(3) An assurance to recall, replace, repair, or refund the money value of defective goods distributed in commerce; and
(4) An assurance to reimburse the complainant the expenses and costs incurred in prosecuting the case in the Bureau of Legal Affairs.
The Director of Legal Affairs may also require the respondent to submit periodic compliance reports and file a bond to guarantee compliance of his undertaking;
(iii) The condemnation or seizure of products which are subject of the offense. The goods seized hereunder shall be disposed of in such manner as may be deemed appropriate by the Director of Legal Affairs, such as by sale, donation to distressed local governments or to charitable or relief institutions, exportation, recycling into other goods, or any combination thereof, under such guidelines as he may provide;
(iv) The forfeiture of paraphernalia and all real and personal properties which have been used in the commission of the offense;
(v) The imposition of administrative fines in such amount as deemed reasonable by the Director of Legal Affairs, which shall in no case be less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) nor more than One hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000). In addition, an additional fine of not more than One thousand pesos (P1,000) shall be imposed for each day of continuing violation;
(vi) The cancellation of any permit, license, authority, or registration which may have been granted by the Office, or the suspension of the validity thereof for such period of time as the Director of Legal Affairs may deem reasonable which shall not exceed one (1) year;
(vii) The withholding of any permit, license, authority, or registration which is being secured by the respondent from the Office;
(viii) The assessment of damages;
(ix) Censure; and
(x) Other analogous penalties or sanctions. (Secs. 6, 7, 8, and 9, Executive Order No. 913 [1983]a)
Section 151.1 of the IP Code provides that a petition to cancel a registration of a mark under the IP Code may be filed with the BLA by any person who believes that he is or will be damaged by the registration of a mark under this Act as follows:
- Within five (5) years from the date of the registration of the mark under this Act.
- At any time, if the registered mark becomes the generic name for the goods or services, or a portion thereof, for which it is registered, or has been abandoned, or its registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to the provisions of this Act, or if the registered mark is being used by, or with the permission of, the registrant so as to misrepresent the source of the goods or services on or in connection with which the mark is used. If the registered mark becomes the generic name for less than all of the goods or services for which it is registered, a petition to cancel the registration for only those goods or services may be filed. A registered mark shall not be deemed to be the generic name of goods or services solely because such mark is also used as a name of or to identify a unique product or service. The primary significance of the registered mark to the relevant public rather than purchaser motivation shall be the test for determining whether the registered mark has become the generic name of goods or services on or in connection with which it has been used. (n)
- At any time, if the registered owner of the mark without legitimate reason fails to use the mark within the Philippines, or to cause it to be used in the Philippines by virtue of a license during an uninterrupted period of three (3) years or longer.
Section 151.2. provides that notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the court or the administrative agency vested with jurisdiction to hear and adjudicate any action to enforce the rights to a registered mark shall likewise exercise jurisdiction to determine whether the registration of said mark may be canceled in accordance with this Act. The filing of a suit to enforce the registered mark with the proper court or agency shall exclude any other court or agency from assuming jurisdiction over a subsequently filed petition to cancel the same mark. On the other hand, the earlier filing of a petition to cancel the mark with the Bureau of Legal Affairs shall not constitute a prejudicial question that must be resolved before an action to enforce the rights to the same registered mark may be decided. (Sec. 17, R.A. No. 166a)
Where to file Civil and Criminal Actions for Violations of IP Rights?
A.M. No. 03-03-03-SC provides that the Supreme Court has designated certain branches of the Regional Trial Courts as special courts to handle cases involving intellectual property rights.
- A Guide on Copyright Law – ALBURO LAW OFFICE
- How to Spot Copyright Infringement – – ALBURO LAW
- Frequently Asked Questions on the Law on Trademarks – ALBURO ALBURO AND ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICES
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