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To whom should wages be paid?

Photo from Unsplash | Mari Gimenez

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.


Wages shall be paid directly to the workers to whom they are due, except in cases of force majeure, or where the worker has died. (Article 105, Labor Code)

Under Article 97, par. (f) of the Labor Code, wages paid to an employee shall mean the remuneration of earnings, however designated, capable of being expressed in terms of money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or commission basis, or other method of calculating the same, which is payable by an employer to an employee under a written or unwritten contract of employment for work done or to be done, or for services rendered or to be rendered and includes the fair and reasonable value, as determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, of board, lodging, or other facilities customarily furnished by the employer to the employee.

As such, the wages earned by an employee shall be directly paid to him or her.

The law says:

“ART. 105. Direct Payment of Wages. – Wages shall be paid directly to the workers to whom they are due, except:

(a)  In cases of force majeure rendering such payment impossible or under other special circumstances to be determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in appropriate regulations, in which case, the worker may be paid through another person under written authority given by the worker for the purpose; or


(b)  Where the worker has died, in which case, the employer may pay the wages of the deceased worker to the heirs of the latter without the necessity of intestate proceedings. The claimants, if they are all of age, shall execute an affidavit attesting to their relationship to the deceased and the fact that they are his heirs, to the exclusion of all other persons. If any of the heirs is a minor, the affidavit shall be executed on his behalf by his natural guardian or next of-kin. The affidavit shall be presented to the employer who shall make payment through the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his representative. The representative of the Secretary of Labor and Employment shall act as referee in dividing the amount paid among the heirs. The payment of wages under this Article shall absolve the employer of any further liability with respect to the amount paid.” (Article 105, Labor Code)


The Omnibus Rules to Implement the Labor Code provides:

SECTION 5. Direct payment of wages. — Payment of wages shall be made direct to the employee entitled thereto except in the following cases:

(a)  Where the employer is authorized in writing by the employee to pay his wages to a member of his family;

(b)  Where payment to another person of any part of the employee’s wages is authorized by existing law, including payments for the insurance premiums of the employee and union dues where the right to check-off has been recognized by the employer in accordance with a collective agreement or authorized in writing by the individual employees concerned; or

(c)   In case of death of the employee as provided in the succeeding Section.

SECTION 6. Wages of deceased employee. — The payment of the wages of a deceased employee shall be made to his heirs without the necessity of intestate proceedings. When the heirs are of age, they shall execute an affidavit attesting to their relationship to the deceased and the fact that they are his heirs to the exclusion of all other persons. In case any of the heirs is a minor, such affidavit shall be executed in his behalf by his natural guardian or next of kin. Upon presentation of the affidavit to the employer, he shall make payment to the heirs as representative of the Secretary of Labor and Employment.” (Sections 5 and 6, Rule VII, Book III of the Omnibus Rules to Implement the Labor Code)

Related article: Should Minimum Wage be the Same Across the Country?


Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices specializes in business law and labor law consulting. For inquiries regarding taxation and taxpayer’s remedies, you may reach us at, or dial us at (02)7745-4391/0917-5772207.

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