Published — March 21, 2021
The following post does not create a lawyer-client relationship between Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices (or any of its lawyers) and the reader. It is still best for you to engage the services of your own lawyer to address your legal concerns, if any.
Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months to four (4) years or a fine of not less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on a person who, knowing that a covered or suspicious transaction is required to be reported to the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do so.
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months to one (1) year or a fine of not less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on a person convicted for failing to Keep Records.
The imposition of the administrative sanctions shall be without prejudice to the filing of criminal charges against the persons responsible for the violation.
What are the penalties for the crime of Money Laundering?
Money laundering is committed by any person who, knowing that any monetary instrument or property represents, involves, or relates to the proceeds of any unlawful activity:
(a) transacts said monetary instrument or property;
(b) converts, transfers, disposes of, moves, acquires, possesses or uses said monetary instrument or property;
(c) conceals or disguises the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement or ownership of or rights with respect to said monetary instrument or property;
(d) attempts or conspires to commit money laundering offenses referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c);
(e) aids, abets, assists in or counsels the commission of the money laundering offenses referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above; and
(f) performs or fails to perform any act as a result of which he facilitates the offense of money laundering referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above.
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from seven (7) to fourteen (14) years and a fine of not less than Three million Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00) but not more than twice the value of the monetary instrument or property involved in the offense, shall be imposed upon a person convicted under (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the paragraph above.
The penalty of imprisonment from four (4) to seven (7) years and a fine of not less than One million five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php1,500,000.00) but not more than Three million Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00), shall be imposed upon a person convicted under paragraph (e) and (f).
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months to four (4) years or a fine of not less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on a person who, knowing that a covered or suspicious transaction is required to be reported to the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do so.
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months to one (1) year or a fine of not less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on a person convicted for failing to Keep Records.
Any person who, with malice, or in bad faith, report or files a completely unwarranted or false information relative to money laundering transaction against any person shall be subject to a penalty of six (6) months to four (4) years imprisonment and a fine of not less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), at the discretion of the court: Provided, That the offender is not entitled to avail the benefits of the Probation Law.
If the offender is a corporation, association, partnership or any juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the responsible officers, as the case may be, who participated in the commission of the crime or who shall have knowingly permitted or failed to prevent its commission. If the offender is a juridical person, the court may suspend or revoke its license. If the offender is an alien, he shall, in addition to the penalties herein prescribed, be deported without further proceedings after serving the penalties herein prescribed. If the offender is a public official or employee, he shall, in addition to the penalties prescribed herein, suffer perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification from office, as the case may be.
Any public official or employee who is called upon to testify and refuses to do the same or purposely fails to testify shall suffer the same penalties prescribed.
The punishment of imprisonment ranging from three (3) to eight (8) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00) but not more than One million Philippine pesos (Php1,000,000.00), shall be imposed on a person convicted for breaching the confidentiality.
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from four (4) to seven (7) years and a fine corresponding to not more than two hundred percent (200%) of the value of the monetary instrument or property laundered shall be imposed upon the covered person, its directors, officers or personnel who knowingly participated in the commission of the crime of money laundering.
The imposition of the administrative sanctions shall be without prejudice to the filing of criminal charges against the persons responsible for the violation.
After due notice and hearing, the AMLC shall, at its discretion, impose sanctions, including monetary penalties, warning or reprimand, upon any covered person, its directors, officers, employees or any other person for the violation of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, or for failure or refusal to comply with AMLC orders, resolutions and other issuances. Such monetary penalties shall be in amounts as may be determined by the AMLC to be appropriate, which shall not be more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (P500,000.00) per violation.
The AMLC may promulgate rules on fines and penalties taking into consideration the attendant circumstances, such as the nature and gravity of the violation or irregularity.
Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices specializes in business law and labor law consulting. For inquiries, you may reach us at info@alburolaw.com, or dial us at (02)7745-4391/0917-5772207.
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