
MON-SAT 8:30AM-5:30PM

National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week

Photo from Unsplash | Yomex Owo

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.


By virtue of Proclamation No. 361, s. 2000, the third week of July is declared as the National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week.


Proclamation No. 361, s. 2000 was issued to stimulate public awareness on the problems of disability, and encourage every citizen to take active responsibility in the upliftment of the economic and social conditions of persons with disabilities of our society; thereby, encouraging them to take pro-active roles in nation building.


The law says:

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do hereby declare the third week of July every year as the “National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week which shall culminate on the birthdate of the Sublime Paralytic: Apolinario Mabini on July 23 each year” under the auspices of the National Council for the Welfare of the Disabled Persons. In the celebration for the week, all public and private welfare agencies are hereby enjoined to participate and cooperate actively in propagating the plight of the PWDs. Any financial contributions and/or fund-raising shall be tax-exempt, (which shall include the sweepstakes draw, among others).” (Proclamation No. 361, s. 2000)


Republic Act No. 7277 or the Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities to provide persons with disability the opportunity to participate fully into the mainstream of society by granting them at least twenty percent (20%) discount in all basic services.

Moreover, it is a declared policy of the said law that persons with disability are part of Philippine society, and thus the State shall give full support to the improvement of their total well-being and their integration into the mainstream of society. They have the same rights as other people to take their proper place in society. They should be able to live freely and as independently as possible. This must be the concern of everyone, the family, community and all government and non-government organizations. Rights of persons with disability must never be perceived as welfare services. Prohibitions on verbal, non-verbal ridicule and vilification against persons with disability shall always be observed at all times. (Section 4, Rule II, Implementing Rules and Regulations to Republic Act No. 9442)


The law says:

A person with disabilities refers to an individual suffering from restriction or different abilities, as a result of a mental, physical or sensory impairment, to perform an activity in a manner or within the range considered normal for human being. Disability shall mean (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more psychological, physiological or anatomical function of an individual or activities of such individual; (2) a record of such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment. (Section 5.1, Rule III, Implementing Rules and Regulations to Republic Act No. 9442)


Read also: What are disability benefits under the GSIS Act of 1997?


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