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Founding anniversary of the Philippine Commission on Women (Presidential Decree No. 633, s. 1975)

Photo from Unsplash | Becca Tapert


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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.



  • The Philippine Commission on Women reviews, evaluates, and recommends measures to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social and cultural development at national, regional, and international levels and to ensure further equality between men and women.
  • The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) shall be renamed as the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the primary policy-making and coordinating body of the women and gender equality concerns under the Office of the President.


The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) is the primary policy-making and coordinating body concerning women empowerment and gender equality. The PCW reviews, evaluates, and recommends measures to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social and cultural development at national, regional, and international levels and to ensure further equality between men and women. It is tasked to institute the gender responsiveness of national development plans and coordinate the preparation, assessment, and updating of the National Plan for Women, ensure its implementation and monitor the performance of government agencies in the implementation of the Plan at all levels; undertake continuing advocacy to promote economic, social, and political empowerment of women and provide technical assistance in the setting up and strengthening of mechanisms on gender mainstreaming. It also ensures that the gains achieved by Filipino women due to Philippine culture and tradition shall be preserved and enhanced in the process of modernization.

The law says:

The Commission shall be the primary policy-making and coordinating body of all women development programs and institutions in the Philippines: Provided, That in case of women development programs of various line departments, the same shall be formulated and implemented by the respective Departments with the assistance of the Commission within the framework of the Philippine development plans for women that will be adopted thereafter. (Section 3, Executive Order No. 208, series of 1994)


As the Government of the Republic of the Philippines recognizes the significant contribution of Filipino women as citizens, homemakers, workers, volunteers, as well as their increasing participation in the development of friendly relations and cooperation among nations, and the promotion of world peace, there is a need for a body to review, evaluate and recommend measures, including priorities, to ensure the full integration of women for economic, social, and cultural development at national, regional and international levels and to ensure further equality between men and women.

On January 7, 1975, Presidential Decree No. 633 was enacted creating a National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women.

The law says:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby create under the Office of the President a National Commission on the Role of the Filipino Women. (Presidential Decree No. 633, series of 1975)


What are the objectives of the commission?

The law says:

SEC. 4. Objectives of the Commission. The objectives of the Commission are:

To promote women’s empowerment through the policies and programs for women’s effective participation and as full and equal partners of men in the social, economic and political development as well as in nation building; and,

To enable Government agencies to effectively address gender concerns in development processes from planning, programming, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in the national and local levels. (Section 4, Executive Order No. 208, series of 1994)


What are the functions of the commission?

The law says:

SEC. 5. Functions of the Commission. The functions of the Commission are hereby re-focused as follows:

5.1 Institute the gender responsiveness of national developments plans and coordinate the preparation, assessment and updating of the National Plan for Women, ensure its implementation and monitor the performance of government agencies in the implementation of the Plan at all levels;

5.2 Undertake continuing advocacy to promote women economic, social and political empowerment and provide technical assistance in the setting-up and strengthening of mechanisms on gender mainstreaming; and,

5.3 Ensure that the gains achieved by Filipino women due to Philippine culture and tradition shall be preserved and enhanced in the process of modernization. (Section 5, Executive Order No. 208, series of 1994)


On August 14, 2009, Republic Act No. 9710 or also known as The Magna Carta of Women renamed the National commission on the Role of Filipino Women to Philippine Commission on Women.

The law says:

SECTION 38. National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW). — The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) shall be renamed as the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the primary policy-making and coordinating body of the women and gender equality concerns under the Office of the President. (Section 38, Republic Act No. 9710)


What are the functions of the PCW and how may it implement them?

The law says:

SECTION 38. National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) – xxx In doing so, the PCW may direct any government agency and instrumentality, as may be necessary, to report on the implementation of this Act and for them to immediately respond to the problems brought to their attention in relation to this Act. The PCW shall also lead in ensuring that government agencies are capacitated on the effective implementation of this Act. The chairperson shall likewise report to the President in Cabinet meetings on the implementation of this Act.

To the extent possible, the PCW shall influence the systems, processes, and procedures of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government vis-à-vis GAD to ensure the implementation of this Act.

To effectively and efficiently undertake and accomplish its functions, the PCW shall revise its structure and staffing pattern with the assistance of the Department of Budget and Management. (Section 38, Republic Act No. 9710)


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