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Flexible Work Arrangements

Photo from Unsplash | Avi Richards

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.


  • Flexible work arrangements refer to alternative arrangements or schedules other than the traditional or standard workhours, workdays, and workweek.

The adoption of flexible work arrangements is being considered to improve business competitiveness and productivity and give employers and employees flexibility in fixing hours of work compatible with business requirements and employees’ need for balanced work life.


What is the concept of flexible work arrangements?

The law says:

Flexible work arrangements refer to alternative arrangements or schedules other than the traditional or standard workhours, workdays, and workweek.

The effectivity and implementation of any of the flexible work arrangements shall be based on voluntary agreements between the employer and the employees.

The adoption of the flexible work arrangements provided herein shall in no case result in diminution of existing benefits of the employees. (Section II, Part A, Department Advisory No. 4, Series of 2010, also known as the Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Work Arrangements and the Exemption from the Nightwork Prohibition for Women Employees in the Business Process Outsourcing Industry)


What are flexible work arrangements which may be considered?

The law says:

The following are the flexible work arrangements which may be considered, among others:

  1. Compressed Workweek refers to one where the normal workweek is reduced to less than six (6) days but the total number of work hours of 48 hours per week shall remain. The normal workday is increased to more than eight hours but not to exceed twelve hours, without corresponding overtime premium. The concept can be adjusted accordingly depending on the normal workweek of the company pursuant to the provision of Department Advisory No. 02, Series of 2004, dated 2 December 2004.


  1. Gliding or Flexi-time schedule refers to one where the employees are required to complete the core workhours in the establishment but are free to determine their arrival and departure time.


  1. Flexi-holidays schedule refers to one where the employees agree to avail the holidays at some other days provided there is no diminution of existing benefits as a result of such arrangement.


The employers and the employees may likewise explore other alternative work arrangements under any agreement and company policy or practice in accordance with existing laws and regulations.


Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices specializes in business law and labor law consulting. For inquiries regarding taxation and taxpayer’s remedies, you may reach us at, or dial us at (02)7745-4391/0917-5772207.

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