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Diabetes Awareness Week (Proclamation No. 213, series of 1993)

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.



The fourth week of July of every year is declared as the Diabetes Awareness Week pursuant to Proclamation No. 213, 1993.


In 2021, there is a 7.5% prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) in adults in the Philippines. This means that in 2021, there are 4,303,899 Filipino adults who have diabetes, over 66,754,400 total Filipino Adult Population. [The Philippines, International Diabetes Federation, accessed at The Philippines – International Diabetes Federation (]


In 2022, the Philippine Statistics Authority has reported 26,774 deaths due to diabetes in 2022 alone. (Breakthrough in Diabetes treatment research |


In 1993, then-President Fidel Ramos issued Proclamation No. 213, series of 1993 which seeks to address the need of the Filipino people to be educated on diabetes as a dreaded disease. A one-year campaign for national fund was conducted by the Philippine Center Diabetes Education Foundation, Inc, the organization dedicated to helping individuals suffering from diabetes and its complications. (Proclamation No. 213-A, series of 1993)


Proclamation 213, s. 1993 provides:


“NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby declare the fourth week of July of every year as Diabetes Awareness Week.”



Under our labor laws, sickness, injury, disability or death of an employee is compensable under the Employees Compensation Program. However, to be compensable, such sickness, injury, disability or death should have resulted from an employment accident, subject to certain conditions.


The Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) is a government program that provides a package of benefits to all workers and/or their beneficiaries in the event of a work-related sickness, injury, disability or death.


Any work-connected injury or sickness, resulting to disability or death of a covered employee is compensable under the ECP.


The law says:


“A sickness is considered compensable if the same is included in the ECC’s List of Occupational Diseases and the conditions for its compensability are met. If the conditions were not satisfied and/or the claimed ailment is not included in the list, proof must be shown that the risk of contracting the disease is increased by the working conditions. This is known as the increased-risk theory.” (Employee’s Compensation Program, 2023 DOLE Handbook on Workers’ Statutory Monetary Benefits)


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Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices specializes in business law and labor law consulting. For inquiries regarding legal services, you may reach us at, or dial us at (02)7745-4391/ 0917-5772207/ 09778050020.

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