
MON-SAT 8:30AM-5:30PM

Consumer Welfare (Proclamation No. 1098, series of 1997)

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.


October is Consumer Welfare Month, as per Proclamation No. 1098, s. 1997.

Republic Act No. 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines was enacted to protect the interests and general welfare of consumers and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry.

Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1098, Consumer Welfare Month is celebrated on October of every year.

The Proclamation aims to promote dissemination of sound consumer information by both the public and private sector, including the media, on subjects such as complaints and policies affecting consumer and encourage dialogue and cooperation

Republic Act No. 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines declared it a policy of the State to protect the interest and general welfare of consumers.

The law says:

“It is the policy of the State to protect the interests of the consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry. Towards this end, the State shall implement measures to achieve the following objectives:

a) protection against hazards to health and safety;

b) protection against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices;

c) provision of information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer;

d) provision of adequate rights and means of redress; and

e) involvement of consumer representatives in the formulation of social and economic policies. (Article 2, R.A. No. 7394)


The National Consumer Affairs Council

The National Consumer Affairs Council (NCAC) was created under the Consumer Act of the Philippines to improve the management, coordination and effectiveness of consumer programs and policies of different government agencies and private organizations. (Proclamation No. 1098, s. 1997)

The law says:

“To improve the management, coordination and effectiveness of consumer programs, a National Consumer Affairs Council is hereby created, hereinafter referred to as the “Council”.

“The Council shall be composed of representatives from the following government agencies and non-government agencies:

a) Department of Trade and Industry;

b) Department of Education, Culture and Sports;

c)  Department of Health;

d) Department of Agriculture;

e) Four (4) representatives from consumer organizations of nationwide base to be chosen by the President from among the nominees submitted by the various consumer groups in the Philippines;

f) Two (2) representatives from business/industry sector to be chosen by the President from among the nominees submitted by the various business organizations. (Article 148 and 149, R.A. 7394)


The NCAC has the following powers and functions:

1) to rationalize and coordinate the functions of the agencies charged with consumer programs and enforcement of consumer related laws to the end that an effective, coordinated and integrated system of consumer protection, research and implementation and enforcement of such laws shall be achieved; 

2) to recommend new policies and legislation or amendments to existing ones; 

3) to monitor and evaluate implementation of consumer programs and projects and to take appropriate steps to comply with the established priorities, standards and guidelines; 

4) to seek the assistance of government instrumentalities in the form of augmenting the need for personnel facilities and other resources; 

5) to undertake a continuing education and information campaign to provide the consumer with, among others;

a) facts about consumer products and services; 

b) consumer rights and the mechanism for redress available to him;

c) information on new concepts and developments on consumer protection; and

d) general knowledge and awareness necessary for a critical and better judgment on consumption;

e) such other matters of importance to the consumer’s general well-being. (Article 153, R.A. No. 7394)

The technical working group tasked with the enforcement of consumer laws, rules and regulations is the Consumer Protection Group (CPG) of the DTI.


Read also: Rights of Consumers


Alburo Alburo and Associates Law Offices specializes in business law and labor law consulting. For inquiries regarding taxation and taxpayer’s remedies, you may reach us at, or dial us at (02)7745-4391/0917-5772207.

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