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13th Month Pay vs. Christmas Bonus

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Suspension of Performance Based Bonus

Executive Order No. 61 (s. 2024) suspended the implementation of Administrative Order No. 25 (s. 2011) establishing a Results-Based Performance Management System (RBPMS) and Executive Order No. 80 (s. 2013) adopting a Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) System and all relevant issuances related thereto pending review of the systems.

Revised Guidelines on the SSS Pension Loan Program

Pursuant to SSC Resolution No. 212 s. 2022 dated April 6, 2022 approving the revised implementing guidelines on the pension loan program for SSS retiree-pensioners, all SSS retiree-pensioners who met the qualifying conditions for the availment of the loan are eligible to apply. Moreover, SSS-retiree pensioners whose retirement claims were settled under the Special Pension System, or under the care and custody of a guardian, or receiving their monthly pension through checks shall be excluded from this program.

The Supreme Court decides: While the Court is mindful of the challenges faced by our judges in performing their duties, it shall not hesitate to hold them accountable when they fail to do so without any acceptable reason.

In the case of Castillo vs. Asuncion, the Supreme Court fined a judge for undue delay after taking seven years to resolve a prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction holding that the constitutionally-guaranteed right of all persons to speedy disposition of cases is the cornerstone of the Judiciary.

Insights from Halagueña v. Philippine Airlines, Inc. (G.R. No. 243259, 10 January 2023) on gender discrimination

The Supreme Court voided a stipulation in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) providing for the compulsory retirement of female cabin attendants at 55 years old and male cabin attendants at 60 years old for lack of basis, discrimination against women, and for being contrary to law and public policy.

What is considered as Economic Abuse under the Anti-VAWC Act?

Enacted in 2004, the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act or Republic Act (RA) No. 9262 defines and penalizes acts of violence against women and children (VAWC) committed by women’s intimate partners. Of the acts of violence criminalized, salient though not as often-cited is the provision on “Economic Abuse.” Economic Abuse refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent on her partner.

What are Excluded from the Absolute Community of Property?

Without a valid marriage settlement executed by the spouses, the regime of absolute community of property applies in marriages celebrated after August 3, 1988.

The absolute community of property between spouses shall commence at the precise moment that the marriage is celebrated. Under this property regime, all the property owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter shall form part of the absolute community.

Article 92 of the Family Code enumerates the properties excluded from the absolute community.

Monetary Interest vs. Compensatory Interest

Monetary interest is a compensation fixed by the parties for the use or forbearance of money. On the other hand, compensatory interest may also be imposed by law or by courts as penalty or indemnity for damages. The right to interest applies only by virtue of a contract or by virtue of damages for delay or failure to pay the principal loan on which interest is demanded. (Norsk Hydro, Inc. v. Premiere Development Bank, G.R. No. 226771, September 16, 2020)

Benefits for Labor and Capital under the Productivity Incentives Act of 1990

Republic Act No. 6971 or the Productivity Incentives Act of 1990 was enacted in line with the State’s policy to encourage higher levels of productivity, maintain industrial peace and harmony and promote the principle of shared responsibility in the relations between workers and employers, recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of production and the right of business enterprises to reasonable returns on investments and to expansion and growth, and accordingly to provide corresponding incentives to both labor and capital for undertaking voluntary programs to ensure greater sharing by the workers in the fruits of their labor.

It grants benefits and tax incentives to business enterprises which adopt a productivity incentive program.

Overview of the Newly Enacted Republic Act No. (RA) 12001 or Real Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act

Republic Act No. 12001 or the Real Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act was enacted to establish valuation standards based on the Philippine Valuation Standards (PVS) and adopt market value as the single property valuation base for real property tax assessments and real property for various transactions by all government agencies, among others.