
MON-SAT 8:30AM-5:30PM

Career Executive Service Day

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.


  • The last Saturday of November of every year is declared as “Career Executive Service Day”.

Proclamation No. 1111, Series of 2006

Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued Proclamation No. 1111, Series of 2006 declaring the last Saturday of November of every year as “Career Executive Service Day”.

The Proclamation seeks to reaffirm the commitment of career executive service (CES) officials towards a competent and faithful service to the government and the people characterized by fealty to duty, integrity, leadership and excellence in their respective fields or areas of responsibility.

The Proclamation is considered as a significant step towards promoting, enhancing, and instilling among CES officials and the public at large about the importance of the CES as a critical link between the government and the people. (Proc. No. 1111, s. 2006)


Career Executive Service (CES)

The Career Executive Service (CES) is established to form a continuing pool oof well-selected and development-oriented career administrators who shall provide competent and faithful service.

Career Executive Service Board Resolution No. 799 or the Omnibus Policy on the Coverage of The Career Executive Service (CES) states that:

“The Board RESOLVES, as it is hereby RESOLVED, to reiterate and adopt the following policies on the coverage of the Career Executive Service:

  1. The Career Executive Service shall be governed by the Career Executive Service Board (CESB).


  1. The CES covers managerial and executive positions above division chief level regardless of the appointing authority.


  1. The legal mandate to prescribe and administer the CES eligibility examinations as basis for the conferment of third level eligibility is solely vested in the CESB.


  1. Positions covered by the Career Executive Service. The following positions are covered by the Career Executive Service:

      (a)   The Career Executive Service includes the positions of Undersecretary, Assistant Secretary, Bureau Director, Assistant Bureau Director, Regional Director (department-wide and bureau-wide), Assistant Regional Director (department-wide and bureau-wide), and Chief of Department Service;

     (b)   Unless provided herein or otherwise, all other managerial or executive positions in the government, including government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters are embraced within the Career Executive Service provided that they meet the following criteria:

          i.)               The position is a career position;

          ii.)             The position is above division chief level; and

          iii.)            The duties and responsibilities of the position require the performance of executive or managerial functions.” (CESB Resolution No. 799)


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