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Briefer on the List of Documentary Requirements for Retirement Benefit under SSS Circular No. 2020-010

Photo from Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

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Also, the matters contained in the following were written in accordance with the law, rules, and jurisprudence prevailing at the time of writing and posting, and do not include any future developments on the subject matter under discussion.



Pursuant to the Social Security Commission Resolution No. 244-s. 2020 dated May 19, 2020 and in line with the implementation of the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, which aims to streamline the current systems and procedures in government offices, the List of the Documentary Requirements for Retirement and Death Benefits are hereby issued to facilitate the effective and immediate processing of retirement benefits.


List of Documentary Requirements for Retirement Benefit


Basic Documentary Requirements


1. Retirement Claim Application/Retirement Claim Application under Portability Law 

2. Member’s/Claimant’s Photo and Signature Card, if member has not been issued a UMID card

3. Single savings account, any of the following:  

  • Passbook  
  • ATM card with name of member and account number  
  • validated initial deposit slip  
  • UMID card enrolled as ATM  
  • accomplished Visa cash card enrolment form  
  • duly signed Bank Certificate/Statement issued within three (3) months prior to filing of claim with the following information: 

– complete name of member/claimant 

– savings account number 

– bank branch 

– complete bank address  

  • Union Bank of the Philippines Quick card 


If ATM card of female member is still under maiden name  

  • Marriage Certificate 


If claimant cannot open a savings account or apply for a debit/cash card  

  • A written request for exemption from the Pensioner’s Remittance Program stating reason for the exemption 


Note: Upon implementation of the payment of benefit via Philippine Electronic Fund Transfer System and Operations Network (PESONet), savings account of claimant shall be from PESONet participating banks which are SSS accredited. 


4. Claimant’s identification (ID) cards/documents (refer to Standard List of ID Cards/Documents)  



If with more than five (5) legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted and illegitimate children 

  • Birth certificate of dependent child/ren duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA, if dependent children are not reported in member’s Personal Record (E1/E4/RS1/OW1/NW1) or with discrepancy in information 


If dependent child is born abroad 

  • Birth Certificate issued by foreign government or Report of Birth issued by Philippine Embassy or Consulate General shall be submitted, if applicable.
  • Marriage certificate of member duly registered with the LCR or issued by the PSA, if legal spouse is not reported in member’s Personal Record (E1/E4/RS1/OW1/NW1) or with discrepancy in information 


If married abroad 

  • Marriage Certificate issued by foreign government or Report of Marriage issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General 


  • Documents issued in a foreign country should have English translation. Authentication by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General is not required if said documents are duly received and signed by the SSS Foreign Representative, Foreign Office.
  • For retirement claims filed abroad, photocopy of supporting document/s with English translation may be presented and submitted in the absence of the original/certified true copy, to be duly received and signed by the SSS Foreign Representative  


If filed by authorized representative of the claimant/s 

  • Two (2) valid ID cards/documents of the member and representative (refer to standard list of ID cards/documents); and 
  • Letter of Authority (LOA) signed by the member or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) specifically stating the authority to file and/or sign for and on behalf of the member. 

Note: LOA/SPA should have been made or executed within six (6) months if in the Philippines and one (1) year if abroad.




Supporting documents, whichever is applicable.

If member is at least sixty (60) years but below 65 years old 

a. For employed members/Household Helper 

  • Certificate of separation issued by the last employer or all employers (if with multiple employers); or
  • SSS Form – Affidavit of Separation from Employment/Cessation of Self-employment with Undertaking, regardless of status of employer. 

Note: If member has no contributions for the last twelve (12) months from date of retirement, member shall no longer be required to submit Certificate of separation. 


b. For Self-Employed (SE) members 

  • Certificate of non-renewal for all of member’s business permit/license issued by the proper government offices/transfer of ownership e.g. Business Permit and Licensing Office; or 
  • Certificate of cessation of business issued by the duly elected Barangay Official where the business or place of residence was located; or 
  • SSS Form – Affidavit of Separation from Employment/Cessation of Self-employment with Undertaking


c. For member of Cooperative or registered Association (e. g. TODA, Card Inc., market vendors association) 

  • SSS Form – Affidavit of Separation from Employment/Cessation of Self-employment with Undertaking; or
  • Certificate of termination of membership signed by the authorized company representative/s or signatories in the Specimen Signature Card of the Cooperative/Association. 


d. For Voluntary Member (VM), including Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) 

  • Proof of separation from employment/cessation of business/termination of contract/no earnings is not a requirement 


If member is an underground/surface mineworker 

  • Certification from the employer/s that member was an underground/surface mineworker indicating the period of employment and worker’s job description; or 
  • Affidavit of two (2) co-employees attesting that member was an underground/surface mineworker indicating the period of employment and worker’s job description 
  • Additional requirements if underground/surface mineworker is at least 50 years old but below 60 years old (for actual retirement date not earlier than 27 April 2016) or at least 55 years old but below 60 years old (for actual retirement date prior to 27 April 2016) 


If member is a racehorse jockey 

  • Certification that member was employed as racehorse jockey by his employer, who must be duly licensed by the Philippine Racing Commission (PHILRACOM) indicating the period of employment  


If member is filing pursuant to an existing Bilateral Social Security Agreement (SSA)  

  • Liaison forms  as provided for under the Administrative Agreement of the Bilateral SSA with the following information: 
  1. Claim application details; and  
  2. Insurance periods under SS Law of other country;
  • Photocopies of two (2) valid IDs of member certified by counterpart liaison agencies as provided for under  the Bilateral SSA, in lieu of the member’s photo and signature card.


Additional document if member is applying under the Portability Law

  • Certificate of total contributions issued by the GSIS including the period of contributions 


Additional document if member is an SSS employee 

  • Certification issued by Employee Services Department on the SSS employment history of the concerned employee subject to the applicable rules and regulations on outside/part-time employment of  SSS employees and Republic Act No. 11199 


Additional documents If member is incapacitated and under guardianship

  • Photo and Signature Card of guardian, if guardian has not been issued UMID card 
  • Medical certificate issued by his/her attending physician (with license number and address of clinic), within three (3) months from date of filing of claim for guardianship confirmed/certified by the Medical Specialist of SSS Physical Examination Centers (PECs) 
  • In-trust for savings account
  • Affidavit for Guardianship of Incompetent Pensioner, if guardian is the legal spouse 
  • Application for Representative Payee and Guarantor’s Bond Form, if guardian is other than the legal spouse 


In the absence of Marriage Certificate 

  • Certification of non-availability from LCR/PSA or issued by foreign government indicating that marriage records of the office/agency concerned is intact but there is no record of marriage for the requesting party; and
  • Marriage certificate issued by Parish/Church/ Ministry/Congregation/Sect/other religious organizations/LGU/other person authorized to administer the marriage 


If marriage certificate from Parish/Church/Ministry/ Congregation/ Sect/other religious organizations is not available 

  • Certification of non-availability from the Parish/ Church/Ministry/Congregation/ Sect/other religious organizations; or
  • Affidavit/Certificate of solemnizing officer stating the following together with Authority to Administer marriage, if applicable: 
    • Date of marriage 
    • Place of marriage 
    • Reason for non-registration; and 
    • Authority to administer marriage, if applicable. 
  • Joint affidavit of two (2) persons who witnessed the marriage together with:
    • Birth certificates of at least two children wherein under both documents the names of parents and the date & place of marriage are indicated (if applicable) 


Additional document if member is married abroad and has previous marriage in the Philippines, whichever is applicable 

  • Certificate of Finality of Annulment/Nullity or annotated Marriage Contract/Certificate; or 
  • Certificate of Naturalization prior to marriage abroad and Decree of Divorce after acquiring foreign citizenship, or its equivalent 


In the absence of Birth Certificate 

  • Certification of non-availability from LCR/PSA or issued by foreign government; and 
  • Baptismal/Dedication certificate or its  equivalent issued by the Parish/Church/Ministry/Congregation/ Sect/other religious organizations (with date of birth of the child and name of parents) 


If baptismal/dedication certificate or its equivalent is not available

  • Certification of non-availability from the parish/church/ministry/congregation/sect/other religious organizations; and
  • Any of the following documents where the name of dependent, date of birth and the name of the parents are indicated: 
    • School cards/record of dependent
    • Educational/insurance plans/health card record Employment records of member Philhealth/GSIS/Pag-IBIG records Income Tax Return of member Member’s Personal record duly received by SSS prior to May 1997 


  • Baptismal/Dedication certificate or its equivalent certificate must bear the original signature of the Parish Priest/Head of the Church/Ministry/Congregation/Sect/other religious organizations or his authorized signatory. 
  • Dedication certificate or its equivalent certificate issued by Congregation/Sect/other the Ministry/ religious organizations in lieu of baptismal certificate must bear the date of birth of the child and the name of parents 


Additional document for legally adopted children and birth certificate is without annotation 

  • Decree of Adoption or Certificate of Finality 

Note: Date of adoption should be prior to date of retirement. 


Additional document for illegitimate child/children 

  • Any proof of filiation, such as, but not limited to:
    • Birth certificate duly signed by the father as informant  
    • Birth certificate with Affidavit acknowledgement duly signed by the father 
    • Will 
    • Statement made before any judicial or quasijudicial proceedings 
    • Any authentic writing signed by the father (e.g. letter, diary, or other documents such as school records and other public records) 


Additional document if dependent child is incapacitated 

  • Medical certificate issued by the attending physician (with license number and address of clinic), within 3 months from date of filing of claim for dependent’s pension confirmed/certified by the Medical Specialist of PECs


Additional documents if dependent child is under guardianship  

  • In-trust-For account  
  • Member’s/Claimant’s Photo and Signature card (for the guardian), in case the guardian has not been issued a UMID card  
  • Claim for Dependent’s Pension Benefit form, if guardian is the parent and legal spouse separated from the member  
  • Application for Representative Payee and Guarantor’s Bond Form, if guardian is other than the parents 




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